Schedule Your Vizabli Demonstration
Better Care and Better Outcomes Start with Better Visibility of Real-Time Data
B&B Integrations is proud to partner with Vizabli, provider of the industry’s leading Acute Care Engagement Solution (ACES). This system makes real-time data visible to the right people, when and where it is needed. It also gives back countless hours to nurses and caregivers by eliminating the need to update and maintain dry erase boards in patient & resident rooms and the nurse station.
Combining traditional patient engagement services with staff engagement and public engagement solutions, Vizabli delivers real-time data to everyone involved in the patient or resident journey, including staff, friends and family members.
How Vizibli Helps
Patient, resident, and clinician safety, better outcomes, and nursing retention are all top concerns across healthcare providers. Real-time integration with the EMR, nurse call, smart beds and other clinical systems ensure that the care team has up-to-date information, precautions and clinical data when and where it’s needed. This allows nurses to spend less time searching for and updating information and more time caring for patients and residents, improving patient outcomes and employee satisfaction.
Schedule Your Free Demonstration Today!
Replace outdated dry erase boards in rooms, eliminate the need for sticky notes, magnets, or sliders for precautions at room doors, provide up-to-the-minute information at nurses’ stations and encourage bi-directional communication by integrating with your existing RTLS, Nurse Call, EMR, and other systems.
Schedule with your free demonstration with Randy today!

Randy Lauver
Healthcare Systems Sales